Medical Disclaimer

While we are not medical professionals, our writers are committed to producing well-researched and factual articles for our audience.

As a global publication focused on Health and Fitness and advocacy, we engage the industry’s finest writers, offering them a platform to share their insights.

We rigorously screen our authors for accuracy and impartiality and to ensure they avoid hate speech. We steadfastly reject any articles that fail to meet our high-quality standards.

Consequently, our blog consistently delivers reliable and accurate information. Our diverse team of writers and researchers from around the world enables us to provide a wide range of content, all aimed at maximizing the benefit for our users.

Liability Disclaimer: Our content is not a substitute for medical advice or treatments. Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider.

Please be aware that our information might not always be up-to-date and could be outdated. 

If you are experiencing symptoms or a medical condition, immediately call 911 or contact your physician or healthcare provider.

QoC Health does not endorse specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the Site.

 Any reliance on information provided by QoC Health, our team, others appearing on the Site, or other visitors is solely at your own risk.

Content Accuracy: Since our content is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, we strongly advise consulting your physician before starting new supplements.

We accept no liability for the use of our posts. If you follow any advice or information from these posts, you do so at your own risk. Always act responsibly.

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These disclaimers are included on this page for easy reference and form part of QoC Health’s Terms of Use.

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